Evianne uk this one's like 15 bucks and it lasts

Evianne this one's like 15 bucks and it lasts a really long time the ordinary one might be about seven this is a glycolic acid 7% toning solution with a pH of 3.6 so the goal is to achieve back to a the correct pH I to reach for this one I leave it on my desk I tend to reach for it more I gotta be honest I don't know why because this one does more so I'm gonna use the Mario Badescu one today just saturate your cotton pad and wipe your face it is pretty clean like I had a full face of of primer foundation bronzer contour blush highlight like my brows obviously I'm not on anymore waterproof mascara eyeliner a pink eyeshadow I had everything going on but the double cleanse really did make sure that this was nice and clean my eyes I got that too close okay do not get the toner too close your eyes because it kind of burns a little bit but I am really happy with those results I will flip it over and this is what I'll use to clean my tool before putting it away you always want to make sure that it's cleaned before and after you used it because you are possibly causing like little micro abrasions on your skin you don't want anything to be infected so I'm just gonna clean that off now this is where we move into like the science part

Evianne uk and you can tell them all about your skin type what your problem areas are what are you trying to correct and they will literally formulate a plan for you and email you back so I did that and I thought that that was really helpful it was really awesome so I said my skin care concerns oily skin acne from poor clogging products usually from cream moisturizers and touching my face working at a computer I also have dullness and aging nescient products that I am currently using is the alpha lipoic 5% acid at night and I do love it and then my skin allergies and intolerances I said creams clog my pores too much retinols cause a sensitivity but I just need to use them sparingly or less often and what brand am i interested in the ordinary they also had me upload a photo of myself so I took a selfie in the car when I was doing it and uploaded that so that they could see what my skincare or what my skin actually looks like I mean I did have makeup on in this photo but and then they responded with some answers for



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